Episode 35

Published on:

7th Dec 2022

Native versus Scheduled social media posting: Does it make a difference?

In this week's episode, I'm talking about the results from my experiment to post natively on social media (LinkedIn & Instagram)

You may remember last month when I decided to post natively for 4 weeks to see if there was any difference in my engagement on LinkedIn and Instagram as opposed to scheduling using a 3rd party tool which may offend the Algorithm Gods.

What did I find?

Linkedin [1.00 min]

When comparing October's scheduled posts and November's native posts, there isn't much difference.

I did get more video engagement posting natively, but impressions-wise, the months were very similar.

I have been engaging with the platform much more recently so I think that has a lot to do with it.

Instagram [5.00 min]

The results are a bit mixed!

I've doubled my reach but halved my engagement!

The reach has expanded because I've been posting more stories and reels.

My Take Away [9.27min]

Not forgetting to do that all-important engagement piece. And not just with your current audience, finding new people to genuinely connect with and start building those relationships with.

I personally don't feel that posting natively or scheduling makes a lot of difference!

If you have any questions or would like some help with your podcast, you can book a 30-min Free Session with me.

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This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
Rachael Botfield:

Welcome to Podcasting 1 0 1 with me, your host, Rachael.

Rachael Botfield:

This podcast is for female business owners and solopreneurs that are

Rachael Botfield:

looking to start a podcast that add to your own already awesome offering.

Rachael Botfield:

I'll give you helpful advice that you can take away in use

Rachael Botfield:

in your podcasting journey.

Rachael Botfield:

I hope to answer those tricky questions that just keep you from starting.

Rachael Botfield:

Once a month, I'll be joined by other female podcasters.

Rachael Botfield:

Other journey with you and offer tips and advice they discovered along the way.

Rachael Botfield:

Let's get started.

Rachael Botfield:

Hi, and welcome to this week's episode.

Rachael Botfield:

Some of you may remember that about four weeks ago I was talking about

Rachael Botfield:

the effect of scheduling your social media posts into like LinkedIn and

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Instagram and and, and Facebook, and whether there was a difference between.

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Posting it natively because the person I was talking to was, was, was talking about

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how LinkedIn especially like, punishes you for having using a third party provider.

Rachael Botfield:

So I was interested to see whether or not how much difference it.

Rachael Botfield:

It actually makes, first I was gonna take a look at the LinkedIn results.

Rachael Botfield:

So I created a spreadsheet so I could track the four weeks

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I was doing native posting and the previous four weeks to that.

Rachael Botfield:

So I looked at the, this is on LinkedIn discovery or impressions, reactions,

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comments, reposts, and then there's a separate video performance which

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has views, viewers and minutes viewed So, Quickly taking a little look.

Rachael Botfield:

I know you can't see my screen and I don't really want to bore

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everybody with like loads of numbers.

Rachael Botfield:

. So on the whole, I would say my video performance is better posting natively.

Rachael Botfield:

I have got probably double the amount of views that I got from previous four week

Rachael Botfield:

weeks and the minutes views are higher.

Rachael Botfield:

So that was a plus.

Rachael Botfield:

I, on the whole, I would say I got, I got roughly about the same

Rachael Botfield:

kind of discovery or impressions.

Rachael Botfield:

I had a post that did really well in October.

Rachael Botfield:

There was one post that I talked about how I've been nominated for an award

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entrepreneur of the Year, and that got a load of engagement that was actually

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posted natively as well as that doesn't really count cuz it's a, it was.

Rachael Botfield:

You know, an ad hoc post because I just found out that I'd been nominated for

Rachael Botfield:

this award, which was like super exciting.

Rachael Botfield:

So, and that was a personal kind of a personal post as well.

Rachael Botfield:

And I always find that posts that are slightly personal or talking

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about you rather than the business tend to do better than other posts.

Rachael Botfield:

So, but just comparing those, I would say, For LinkedIn, it hasn't

Rachael Botfield:

really made that much difference Posting natively, comparatively

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to posting and using a scheduler.

Rachael Botfield:

I would say what also what makes, what can make a difference is how

Rachael Botfield:

much you're engaging with a platform.

Rachael Botfield:

So I have been making an effort these past few months to do a lot more

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engagement, reaching out to people, you know, connecting with my network.

Rachael Botfield:

Over the summer I took like pretty much six weeks off work I did.

Rachael Botfield:

I did have some holiday time and I did engage, but I didn't do a lot of

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engagement on LinkedIn because I had the kids off and I just didn't feel like

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it was something that I wanted to do.

Rachael Botfield:

And I noticed there was a noticeable drop there, but because I have since

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September hit been engaging a lot more on the platform, I think that those results

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show, it shows that I have more view.

Rachael Botfield:

And it's not just because you know I'm putting stuff out there.

Rachael Botfield:

You have to.

Rachael Botfield:

You have to do, it's a bit of give and take, isn't it?

Rachael Botfield:

We, we all know this.

Rachael Botfield:

We can't just put stuff out there and go, Hey, look at my stuff.

Rachael Botfield:

And then expect like a load of return on it.

Rachael Botfield:

You have to you know, play the game and engage with your audience and your

Rachael Botfield:

community and support them as well.

Rachael Botfield:

And they in return, will do the same fee.

Rachael Botfield:

So I do feel that the different, it's not really made much

Rachael Botfield:

difference in terms of native.

Rachael Botfield:

Or scheduling, but actually the amount of engagement that

Rachael Botfield:

I was doing on the platform.

Rachael Botfield:

And then for Instagram, I'm not gonna bother with Facebook because I hardly

Rachael Botfield:

get anything on Facebook, but I mean, maybe you'll disagree with me on this.

Rachael Botfield:

And if you do disagree, I would love to hear from you.

Rachael Botfield:

I don't really get anything on Facebook.

Rachael Botfield:

I have Facebook.

Rachael Botfield:

For business cuz it links to my Instagram account.

Rachael Botfield:

It's a great way for my kind of friends and family network to

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see the stuff that I'm doing, which is quite always quite good.

Rachael Botfield:

So it's always quite, it's always good to keep that part of your network

Rachael Botfield:

informed about what you're doing cuz you never know that somebody might

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recommend you and then they'll pop you in Facebook and they'll find you.

Rachael Botfield:

But in terms of leads and business, I don't really.

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Bother that much.

Rachael Botfield:

With Facebook, I just kind of use it as a, as a shop window.

Rachael Botfield:

If you.

Rachael Botfield:

Instagram I obviously do more with, so I kind of compared, these are just

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kind of like an overview of the stats.

Rachael Botfield:

I haven't gone into like too much data driven detail.

Rachael Botfield:

Cause it would make for a rather boring podcast episode.

Rachael Botfield:

And it was just to get an idea of whether or not it made a difference

Rachael Botfield:

for scheduling versus native.

Rachael Botfield:

So compared to October.

Rachael Botfield:

So again, I did like a spreadsheet and I looked at.

Rachael Botfield:

Accounts at a reach, the percentage, whether that's up or down from the

Rachael Botfield:

previous month, accounts that engaged, and then the percentage of whether that

Rachael Botfield:

was up or down from the previous month.

Rachael Botfield:

Total followers.

Rachael Botfield:

And then I looked at how many like the content shared, it gives you a

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little breakdown of like post stories, reels and videos that you've shared.

Rachael Botfield:

So you can get an.

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Of how much you have shared compared to previous months, whether it's

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the same, whether it's more or less.

Rachael Botfield:

So I reached.

Rachael Botfield:

397 accounts in October and in November between the first and the 27th.

Rachael Botfield:

Cause I'm recording this on the 28th.

Rachael Botfield:

So I, and up the accounts reach was 728, so it's 110%.

Rachael Botfield:

More engagement accounts reach, sorry, than last month, which is a massive plus.

Rachael Botfield:

So the stats for accounts engaged is actually down 43.1%.

Rachael Botfield:

So, which means I have reached more accounts, but half the amount of

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accounts have engaged back with me.

Rachael Botfield:

So it was 84 in October and 45 in November.

Rachael Botfield:

So obviously that's not great.

Rachael Botfield:

My followers have grown by four I instead of 396.

Rachael Botfield:

In October, I now have 400 followers, and compared to last month in terms

Rachael Botfield:

of what was shared, I actually.

Rachael Botfield:

10 posts last month and seven this month.

Rachael Botfield:

I've doubled the amount of stories that I've shared and that would have

Rachael Botfield:

some, I would say that has something to do with the amount of account

Rachael Botfield:

accounts that I've reached because stories I find are quite popular.

Rachael Botfield:

I've also made an effort to change my videos into reels, so I've

Rachael Botfield:

got four reels this month where I didn't have any last month.

Rachael Botfield:

I do, I do feel that reels have a better reach than anything

Rachael Botfield:

else as well, so that could.

Rachael Botfield:

A reason why, another reason why I have reached more accounts, in fact

Rachael Botfield:

I'm pretty sure doing more wheels and stories is a reason why I've

Rachael Botfield:

managed to reach more accounts, but potentially not had anyone engage back

Rachael Botfield:

with me which is a bit disappointing.

Rachael Botfield:

But I have also, I have made an effort, like you can see, I've doubled the

Rachael Botfield:

amount of stories that I'm doing.

Rachael Botfield:

I've tried to make more stories and more, instead of just sharing my grid

Rachael Botfield:

post to my stories, I followed this other account that talked about it.

Rachael Botfield:

I can't remember the lady's name, but she talked about really you should be

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doing specific content for your story.

Rachael Botfield:

So I have started to make more specific content, so making my audio.

Rachael Botfield:

in stories in a proper story rather than just sharing it for my grid.

Rachael Botfield:

And I've done more targeted, more specific posts in my stories as

Rachael Botfield:

well as doing some of the personal stuff that I like to do as well.

Rachael Botfield:

So I guess the results are a bit mixed from Instagram.

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

Really we can see that using Stories and Wheels has increased the amount

Rachael Botfield:

of reach that I have on the accounts, but I need to work on that engagement.

Rachael Botfield:

And I think this is a bit of a, a thing for everybody really.

Rachael Botfield:

Is that.

Rachael Botfield:

Not to forget that we, we spend, and I'm very guilty of this myself,

Rachael Botfield:

spending the time creating this content.

Rachael Botfield:

You know, no matter how much time you're potentially saving by creating your

Rachael Botfield:

podcast episode or your blog and, and then repurposing that into different types

Rachael Botfield:

of video and stories and social captions and all those kind of things, but also

Rachael Botfield:

to get that all important engagement with your community to be able to build.

Rachael Botfield:

To be able to build your community, you need to be able to get in front

Rachael Botfield:

of them and get talking with them.

Rachael Botfield:

And I know it's easier said than done because I have those times where I

Rachael Botfield:

go, I log on and go, right, I'm gonna spend 30 minutes and I'm gonna find

Rachael Botfield:

some awesome people to connect with and look at their content, listen

Rachael Botfield:

to their podcast, and I'm gonna, you know, engage with them genuinely.

Rachael Botfield:

But it's quite hard sometimes to find those people and it

Rachael Botfield:

can be a little bit difficult.

Rachael Botfield:

To begin with, spending that time trying to find those people.

Rachael Botfield:

I had recently had some coaching.

Rachael Botfield:

I was lucky enough to get a grant for some coaching with the real

Rachael Botfield:

world consultancy, and I had a lovely lady called Christina, be my coach.

Rachael Botfield:

She was the one that nominated me for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award as

Rachael Botfield:

it's through the real world consultancy.

Rachael Botfield:

Results on that on the 8th of December, . But we worked on.

Rachael Botfield:

Like part of the thing that I guess I was avoiding as well was.

Rachael Botfield:

Since the summer, taking a break over summer, coming back September

Rachael Botfield:

is getting in front of people that you don't already know.

Rachael Botfield:

So in front of people that you do know.

Rachael Botfield:

You know, I have quite a nice engaged community on LinkedIn where I, there's

Rachael Botfield:

people that I know when I engage with them and they engage with me, but it's trying

Rachael Botfield:

to find those new people getting in front of those new people to, to shout about.

Rachael Botfield:

Not just shout about how great you are because obviously that's not what you

Rachael Botfield:

wanna do, but be genuinely engaged with their content and think, is this person

Rachael Botfield:

somebody that I could get on with?

Rachael Botfield:

Do our values align?

Rachael Botfield:

Would we get on, could we have a coffee chat?

Rachael Botfield:

That is probably like my main aim would be to try and connect with somebody

Rachael Botfield:

and then have a coffee chat with them.

Rachael Botfield:

I feel like I do much better face to face with somebody I really like having.

Rachael Botfield:

Coffee chats or little virtual coffees with people to connect with them

Rachael Botfield:

and get to know them a bit better.

Rachael Botfield:

I just find it, it, it works a little bit better than just

Rachael Botfield:

leaving stuff in the comments.

Rachael Botfield:

It's been interesting tracking the engagement and follows and reaches

Rachael Botfield:

and things like that for this past four, four weeks, and I've come to the

Rachael Botfield:

conclusion that I don't think it really matters whether you schedule or natively

Rachael Botfield:

post your content to social media, but that you engage with as many accounts

Rachael Botfield:

as you can and that feel genuine for.

Rachael Botfield:

That would be my big piece of takeaway advice here.

Rachael Botfield:

As always, if you have any questions, I'd love to hear from you.

Rachael Botfield:

Pop me an email or DM me on Instagram or LinkedIn.

Rachael Botfield:

I will leave all the information in the show notes for you to contact me easily.

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

Also, if you have a podcast or thinking about starting a podcast

Rachael Botfield:

and you're feeling a little bit stuck, then I offer a 30 minute free

Rachael Botfield:

consultation where I can give you some personalized advice for your podcast.

Rachael Botfield:

So if you'd like to book in that session, that will be a calendarly

Rachael Botfield:

link in the show notes, and you can book straight into my diary there.

Rachael Botfield:

Find a time that's convenient for you.

Rachael Botfield:

Ask me your podcast questions or anything to do with what you're

Rachael Botfield:

stuck on in your podcast, and I will give you some personalized advice.

Rachael Botfield:

Thanks for listening, and I will catch you next time.

Rachael Botfield:


Rachael Botfield:

Thanks so much for listening.

Rachael Botfield:

If you've enjoyed today's episode, please like, share, and subscribe.

Rachael Botfield:

Your support means so much to me.

Rachael Botfield:

If there's a question or topic you'd like covering, then I'd love to hear from you.

Rachael Botfield:

Find the podcast on Instagram at rachiebotfield and drop me a dm.

Show artwork for Podcasting 101 with Rachael

About the Podcast

Podcasting 101 with Rachael
Insight, Tips and Advice to Launch your Podcast
This podcast is for female business owners and solopreneurs who are looking to start a podcast to add to your already awesome offering.

I’ll give you helpful advice that you can take away and use in your podcasting journey.

As well as sharing solo episodes that will give you the kick start you need, I’ll be joined by women who have a podcast for their business as well as experts who will offer insights, tips and advice to move your podcast forward.

About your host

Profile picture for Rachael Botfield

Rachael Botfield

Hi, I’m Rachael, a Podcast Manager from the UK.
I started my business in 2021 bringing skills like event management, Marketing and a degree in Media & Communications with me.
I help busy female business owners and entrepreneurs launch and manage their podcasts by doing all the things!